برنامج Lucid CD Library برنامج لتنظيم و عمل كتالوج للميديا.
Record CD Library Information: Enter Audio CD information, including album time, track information and album cover art. Record personal information about each CD such as purchase price, where purchased, and product review information. www.barmje.blogspot.com Optionally, enter the CD UPC code either manually, or through the use of a Cue-Cat. Record DVD Library Information: Enter Video DVD information, including title, film stars and ratings. Track ‘last viewed’ information for each DVD in your library. CD Track information: Download CD track information from the web, or enter the information manually. CD Library Searches: Search for a variety of CD information recorded in your library, including CD Title, Artist/Composer Name, Song Titles, CD Number and UPC Code. Cassette Tapes: Create Cassette Tape inserts based on selected CD Library Information.
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